Location | Maglódi nyaraló, Szentmártonkáta

Planning | 2010-2011

Implementation | 2011-2012

Lead architect: Hajnal Zsolt
Architects: Hajnal Ödön, Kállay Gábor, Kendelényi Péter, Lengyel Ágnes, Szalántzy Kolos, Szüle Péter
Client: MÁV Ingatlankezelő Kft.

One of the busiest suburban lines in the country, the 120A railway line, was opened to travelers in 1882.
In the case of two stations, Maglódi nyaraló (Maglód summer resort) and Szentmártonkáta, the original, dilapidated buildings were demolished and replaced with completely new ones. The new station buildings, although unprecedented, clearly reference the railway structures designed in the 1960s, and at the same time pay tribute to the Hungarian architecture of the 1920s. The similar, light buildings are constructed in basic geometric shapes, cubes, and their design is strongly functionalist, providing a pleasant space for the passengers. Similar to the opened up Szőlősnyaraló station, in the waiting room we also strived for the greatest transparency with the front and rear facades glazed to their full height. Although the high level of transparency breaks with the more closed waiting room atmosphere typical of the 19th century, the canopy-covered bench area in front of the building has survived, which is an archetype typical of the whole country, but especially of the railway stations of the Alföld region.


Hajnal Építész Iroda Ltd.

1117 Budapest, Nádorliget út 8/F/42.

Phone: 06 1 2664805
